Java Flight Recording

Flight Recorder and Mission Control together create a complete tool chain to continuously collect low level and detailed run time information enabling after-the-fact incident analysis.

Prerequisites: Jrockit should be installed on the Server.

Flight Recorder

Flight Recorder is a profiling and event collection framework that allows Java administrators and developers to gather detailed low level information about how the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java application are behaving.

Get Instance

  1. Go to Actions > Java Flight Recording. This displays the Java Flight Recording window.
  2. To capture all instances, click the All button, and for ND instances, click the ND Available instance information is displayed according to selected tier name and server name. This instance information displays – Process ID, instance name, process arguments along with log path.
Figure 63: Java Flight Recording

Start Flight Recording

  1. Select an instance from the list and click the Start Flight Recording button. 
Figure 64: Start Flight Recording Button

2. This displays the Start Flight Recording window where you have to provide certain details, such as:

    1. Recording file name
    2. Do you want to overwrite an existing file (if present)?
    3. Maximum timeout for recording requests
    4. Duration in seconds
    5. Expected Size of Recording (if known)
Figure 65: Start Flight Recording Window

3. Click on Start button.   A confirmation message is displayed that the recording has been started successfully as shown below.

Figure 66: Confirmation Message

Show Flight Recording

  1. To view the fight recording details, click the Show Flight Recording
  2. This displays the Show Flight Recording window with details, such as: File name, status, duration, location, file size, and last modification time.
Figure 67: Show Flight Recording Window

3. You can remove the recording file, stop the recording, refresh this window, or close this window.

Download Available Recordings

  1. Click the Download Available Recording
Figure 68: Download Available Recording

2. This displays a window where you can download the available recording by clicking the Download button within the Actions section.


Figure 69: Action

Show All Recordings

  1. To view all the recordings, click the Show All Recordings button.
Figure 70: Show All Recording Button

2. This displays a window with all the recordings.

Figure 71: All Recording Window